We are not philosophers / We are not writers / We are not physicists / We are improbable readers /The Savages Readers who can´t say no more //
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
There is a landscape. The ruins of what never came to be, of what was lost on the way, maybe 50 years ago. History was supposed to pass by but it didn't, modernity never came to age. And this is the only place left. Puddles, empty plastic bottles, used toilet paper, fig trees. Clouds. Old cars. Maybe the sea, slowly waving in the background. There is nothing left, and I enjoy it.
Silence. Pizarnik talking to me in dreams, saying with her eyes, with other's eyes: Me habían prometido un silencio como un fuego, una casa de silencio. De pronto el templo es un circo y la luz un tambor. A house like a fire, a silence for home. Two thousand years to make a Maleveich, to play John Cage, to give birth to Wittgenstein. And today's noise is even bigger.
The movement, the words, the lights. Shadows dancing at the music of a crystal orchestra playing Crumb's black angels, como si el cielo raso hubiera amenazado una vaga llovizna sangrienta. It will break, soon, before I die, and there will be blood, puddles of blood.
There is no other place to go. Of course there is. Shadows. This is real. But it is empty. I know. And you don't care? I don't care. I like it, it is silent. So we stay here? We stay here. Wir bleiben hier.
Había que escribir sin para qué, sin para quién. El cuerpo se acuerda de un amor como encender la lámpara. El silencio es tentación y promesa.
Photo by Benimoto
1 comment:
Dos mil años para que al silencio le salieran ojos, porque el silencio tiene ojos y tiene boca y tiene lengua y sabe. De todas las aguas de Europa, Rimbaud se quedaba con los charcos. El silencio es tentación y promesa, pero allí donde estemos, no estará el silencio. No hay otro lugar donde ir, pero cada paso es un lugar. Las sombras están llenas de pájaros. En la boca de las ratas anidamos una tarde. Amén.
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