Between the most interesting philosophers, there are some who, after Lacan, I call the antiphilosophers. We are going to see what this is about. The important thing is that I have them by the awakeners, who contrary to the other philosophers haven't forgot two things:
1. That the conditions of philosophy, the truths that she proves, are always contemporary. It is in the battlefield of time where a philosopher builds the new concepts, and he cannot relax his attention, conform with what is already there, contribute to the maintenance of the stablished orders, without falling into what is the worst menace for the discipline: his absorption, his digestion, by the academic knowledge. The antiphilosopher remind us that the philosopher is a political militant, in general, hates the forces in power and his servants; an esthete, who goes before the most improbable creations; a lover, whose life knows how to capsize for a men or a woman; un savant, who attends to the most violently paradoxical deployments of science. And is in this effervescence, this in-disposition, this rebellion, where he produces the cathedrals of ideas.
2. That the philosophy assumes the voice of the Master. He is not, cannot be, the modest participant of some group work, the hard worker teacher of a closed history, the democrat of debates. His word is authoritarian, as seductive as violent, she engages to follow, she problematizes and converts. The philosophy is present then, as such, in the one who says her, he does not subtract himself from rational duty, even if his presence is also of an exemplary submission.
Photo: View over Lustrafjord from Skjolden by ReverendMungo
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